An interview with Diana Voytenko – Owner
SIYP: Could you tell us more about Namfleg Watches and Jewellery?
Diana: Namfleg is the continuation of the tradition of the famous jeweller Fabergé. The concept was developed in the same great country, Russia, and grew into an international brand based in Zürich. The inspiration which started with antique enamelled watches gave rise to the brand with everything you see in our shops today. The greater part is produced in Russia, and the watches in Switzerland. Some of the collection is made onsite in the countries where our shops are located.
SIYP: What makes Namfleg jewellery and watches special?
Diana: Enamelled jewellery has a lifetime guarantee. Each piece is a work of art whose creation by hand requires a special kind of experience. The watches’ handmade dials are made in strictly limited quantities. We are unique and special in the world for creating dials from Florentine mosaic. They are made from a great many tiny, thin pieces of stone joined together to create a unique picture that’s hard to describe in words. You have to see it, to hold it in your hands. The watch radiates the energy of beauty and distinctiveness.

SIYP: What would you highlight from the Spring / Summer 2019 collection of jewellery and watches?
Diana: All of the collections are beautiful and special. It’s impossible to highlight anything in particular. There are so many designs that everyone can find a piece to fall in love with.
SIYP: What awaits us in the Autumn collection, anything new?
Diana: I am particularly fond of the mother and child collection because I created it. My idea was to create the ideal gift for every woman during her pregnancy because it holds the miracle of the life she is creating. I created the ideal gift for that time –a two-part pendant with one part representing the mother and the other the child. Once the child has been born the mother can remove the little tabwhich says “Place picture here” and can put it on the child’s cot or pram. In this way she gives some of her energy to, connects with and protects her child. This is an ideal gift for any woman, particularly expectant mothers and mothers with small children. This is something which radiates the miracle of love.

Visit Namfleg Watches & Jewelry – Split (Marka Marulića 3) and Dubrovnik (Đorđićeva 4).