If you’re planning a travel experience and will be away from home for a significant period of time, you might be starting to think about ways you could earn some extra cash when you’re on the move.
Whether you want to make money online, through indirect means of income, or through other creative means, here are five top tips to get you started.
Become a Freelancer
With freelancing, you can turn any existing skill into a way to make money with ease. Whether you have existing skills in writing, translating, or drawing, these are skills you can easily advertise on freelancing sites like Upwork to earn some extra income in your spare time on your travels.
Simply advertise your skills, and bid for jobs. The more you build up your portfolio, the more jobs you complete, the bigger the reputation you will have.
Rent Out Your House
One of the easiest ways to make some passive income during your holiday is to rent out your house whilst you’re away. Not only will this help you to pay your bills, but it will mean you can use the extra money to supplement your travel expenses too.
If you want to upgrade your house to earn even more income, why not enter a competition with organisations like Raffle House to win a house? This will enable you to increase your income effortlessly to support your expenses with ease.
Blog or Vlog Your Travels
Blogging and vlogging have really taken off in recent years as an easy way for travellers to make money on the move, and with the rise of monetised platforms like YouTube and TikTok, people are making more money than ever before with their content creation.
Whether you film hotel reviews, food reviews, or simply document life as a traveller, advertising means you will earn income from your creative efforts.
To further your efforts, invest in a good quality camera, tripod and lighting to enhance the quality of your video production, and attract more viewers.
Teaching English as an Additional Language
Teaching English as an additional language is a way to immerse yourself in whatever country you travel to, and interact with local people.
Whether you teach English in Japan, China, Africa, or Thailand, you can learn many things about a country’s culture by working there. By communicating with native speakers, you may also find yourself becoming acquainted with the social norms of communities, as well as cuisine and social occasions.
If you want to find teaching opportunities abroad, you will need a TEFL qualification from organisations like TEFL Academy to permit you to teach.
Touristry Jobs
If you travel to tourism-heavy destinations, why not take up a job working as a tourist guide, translator, or working in hospitality? Many of these jobs are seasonal, or shift-based, and many hospitality jobs take place in the evenings, leaving your days free to explore your surroundings.
Don’t forget to check your visa to ensure you adhere to any work restrictions that are in place in the country you travel to through your embassy.
Do you have any tips for earning money whilst travelling? Share your tips with us in the comments section below!