Welcome to the summer edition of Warsaw In Your Pocket! This is definitely our favourite time of year in the city, for it is now that half the city’s population disappears and hangs around by the river, partaking in lounging around on the boulevard steps, deck chairs in the many bars, beaches and other riverfront hangouts. It’s also the time of year when bike traffic shoots up, and quite right, for there are trails a-plenty to enjoy around the city – read more in our feature on p.8. There’s more to the city in summer than just the riverfront, as the city’s cafe culture, foodie scene and nightlife is in full swing, all listed in these very pages. Of particular note is the return of the fantastic Night Market (p.23), where food and culture mix, and other outdoor seasonal places to enjoy (p.114)! The city that is vibrant in every sense of the word, offering you sightseeing in the bucketload, from fun-filled activities to some serious history lessons in the many museums, and the events calendar too is full to the brim (check out our ‘Whats On’ section, p.20). As always, let us know how you got on in Warsaw on our Facebook page and/or show us what you’ve seen during your time in the city by using the hashtag #warsawinyourpocket through Instagram, or if you prefer, just use good old fashioned email: poland@inyourpocket.com.
Cover story

Ahh, summer in Warsaw, when bike traffic is sky high and the riverside beaches, boulevards and city parks are full of life, people enjoying themselves and relaxing, just like the lucky ones shown at Warsaw’s Multimedia Fountain (F-3).
Warsaw by bike
New reviews
Piazza Ristorante
An Italian restauranr located right at the entrance to the classy Plac Unii shopping centre, with a great view out onto the square with the same name. Read more ▶
Woda Ognista
A bar with a 1920s-30s interior decor with a seasonal menu offering Polish style cocktails and dishes that take you on a journey through Warsaw’s cultural history. Read more ▶
Magia Brylantów
An exclusive jewellery shop located on one of Warsaw’s more famous streets, Krakowskie Przedmieście, and right on the way to the Old Town. Read more ▶