As we head into the second half of the summer and on into autumn the Tri-city has been enjoying a tremendous year. The long run of hot weather has ensured that the beaches and beer gardens have been doing a roaring trade and the number of visitors has been unprecedented.
The challenge for the region now is to attract more people outside of the high season and we hope that you’ll recognise the area’s potential as a short-break destination out of season. The three cities and the surrounding region offer not just excellent value as a leisure destination but with the huge increase in top-class hotel rooms; the continuing development in less weather-sensitive attractions such as the Spa, Wellness and Beauty sector in places like Sopot and the modern conference and meeting facilities offered by places including the European Solidarity Centre, the Sopot Conference Centre and even the Shakespeare Theatre make the Tri-city a genuine candidate for your company’s meetings and conferences. If you’ve had an enjoyable visit in a private capacity, why not consider encouraging your friends and colleagues to come and visit too – in whatever capacity.
Let us know what you thought of the city – good, bad or indifferent and stay in touch via social media (FB or Twitter). You’ll find the addresses of our accounts through the guide. Enjoy your visit!
Cover story

The cover photo this issue shows the pier at Sopot. It’s just one of the many popular tourist attractions in the city and at 511.5m is the longest wooden pier in Europe (see page 96). A walk along it is recommended at any time of the year.
Feature: Tri-city People: Zofia Cudny, the Tri-city’s favourite cookery blogger
Gdynia resident Zofia Cudny is one of Poland’s best-known food and cookery bloggers, who’s come a long way since she worked as a researcher for Gdansk In Your Pocket during her studies. In this interview, she tells us about what it takes to make a successful blog and her tips for places to visit in the Tri-city.
New reviews. Restaurants & cafes.
Santo Porto Magda Gessler (Gdynia)
Magda Gessler‘s new venture focusing on fish, both from the Baltic and imported from the Spanish provinces of Galicia and Asturia. Read more
Kolorowe Talerzyki (Gdansk)
A modern self-serve cafeteria/milk-bar with a wide selection of dishes priced at less than a Euro for 100 grams. Read more
Kafëbë (Gdansk)
A cosy little café and bistro on Piwna street offering Kashubian cuisine: local fresh fish, dairy and home-grown vegetables. Read more
Piwnica Rajców (Gdansk)
Piwnica Rajcow is the Polish name for what was once the city’s Ratskeller, the cellar of the town hall, where food and drink were served often to the council employees. Read more
Undercover City Games (Gdansk & Sopot)
Explore and have fun with spy-themed games in the Tri-city – “Lockdown” (Gdańsk) and “Under The Radar” (Sopot). In English or Polish. Read more