Warsaw In Your Pocket no.110 ★20 years in Poland★

Welcome to the spring edition of Warsaw In Your Pocket! The streets are abuzz as the city is gradually shaking off the last of the winter chill! The city’s many parks are already blooming and the riverfront is beckoning the first wave of warm weather revelers. The city’s nightlife, cafe culture and foodie scene is also starting to spill outdoors (hopefully not prematurely!). Warsaw is a city that is vibrant in every sense of the word, offering you sightseeing in the bucketload, and for history buffs, plenty to explore and learn, both indoors and outdoors. April/May marks the 76th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (p.52), so why not read up on some history and check out some locations associated with the tragic events of 1943? If calming outdoor walks are more your thing, check out our revamped Royal Route section, full of info about the route itself and site’s associated with Warsaw’s favourite son: Fryderyk Chopin. While you’re in town, check out our ‘What’s On’ (p.18) section which is full to the brim with events. As always, let us know how you got on in Warsaw on our Facebook page (/WarsawInYourPocket) and/or show us what you’ve seen during your time in the city by using the hashtag #Warsawinyourpocket through social media, or if you prefer, just use good old fashioned email: poland@inyourpocket.com.

Cover Story

You would never have guessed, but the world famous artist Pablo Picasso did indeed visit post-war Warsaw, leaving his mark on the city in his own unique way. To find out more, read our feature on p.8 about Warsaw’s Syrenka, the symbol of the city.
Photo: Mat Fahrenholz.

Main Feature: Warsaw’s Syrenka

Everyone knows Warsaw’s favourite son is composer and musician Fryderyk Chopin, but did you know that Warsaw’s favourite daughter is a mermaid? The mythology, legend and symbolism surrounding ‘Syrenka’ is so strong, she has long been a symbol of the city. Read on to find out the history, and the more peculiar elements of Syrenka’s fame…

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