Gdańsk No. 50

17 years, 50 issues and running!  
The new Gdansk In Your Pocket is out. Get the PDF now!

Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 11.46.17 AMThis autumn will see the 17th anniversary of work commencing on the first issue which came out in the spring of 2000. That issue was put together by a small but incredibly enthusiastic volunteer force featuring an Irishwoman, Englishman and a handful of Poles who were all convinced that if the world just knew a little more about Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia and the surrounding area, that they would visit and see for themselves what a wonderful place it is.

Pages and pages of content have been written, facts checked and re-checked (we counted the steps in the tower in St Mary’s Basilica years before we saw it posted anywhere else) and HTML tags were added to the text to make them suitable for our ‘Internet site’. All this was done squeezed around one computer in the spare room of a flat in the Chelm district.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of those great people who’ve worked on Gdansk In Your Pocket over the years and supported us in whatever way – whether you’ve been a writer, researcher, salesperson or bookkeeper or whether you’ve helped us along the way as an advertiser, distributor or reader.

We are sincerely grateful to all of you. Thank You!

Main Features

ambar altar

The Remarkable Amber Altar of St. Bridget’s


Gateways of Gdańsk

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